Best FriendCredits: Canva

Few bonds run as deep as the connection between best friends. When you find someone who truly gets you and supports you through thick and thin, you know you’ve found a friend for life. But even the closest compadres have more to discover about one another.

Put your bestie knowledge to the test with this fun quiz game! Grab your BFF and get ready to answer lighthearted questions about your friendship. It’s time to find out who REALLY knows who better.

Round 1: Childhood Memories

True best friendship takes time to develop. Jog each other’s memory about your early days together with these questions about childhood experiences:

  • What was my favorite TV show or movie as a kid?
  • Which teacher did I have the biggest crush on in elementary school?
  • What funny nickname did you call me when we first met?
  • What weird food combo did I love to eat growing up?
  • What game or activity could keep me entertained for hours as a child?
  • What subject did I struggle with the most in school?
  • What unique talent did I possess as a youngster?
  • What did I want to be when I grew up? How many times did it change?

Really probe each other’s memories from the early stages of your friendship. Did you have any hilarious inside jokes or secret handshakes? Did you pass notes in class or have a special meeting spot at recess? Jogging childhood memories reveals how far back your history goes.

Round 2: Personality Profile

As we grow and change, even best friends can sometimes be surprised by each other’s quirks. See if you can pin down your BFF’s unique personality traits:

  • What’s my biggest pet peeve?
  • Which of my habits drive you crazy?
  • What’s my default mood on a day-to-day basis?
  • What activity instantly calms me down when I’m stressed?
  • What’s guaranteed to make me laugh, no matter how bad my mood is?
  • How would you describe my general outlook on life? Optimistic or pessimistic?
  • What’s my #1 goal or ambition in life right now?
  • What’s my absolute dream job?

Really get introspective with these personality questions. Knowing someone’s core values, motivations and outlook offers rare insight into who they truly are inside.

Round 3: Tastes and Preferences

Even besties don’t agree on everything. How well do you know each other’s likes and dislikes? Time to find out:

  • What food do I absolutely refuse to eat?
  • What’s my comfort food after a stressful day?
  • What song could I listen to 100 times and never get sick of?
  • What movie or book genre do I never get bored of?
  • What celebrity would I fangirl/boy over if I saw them in public?
  • What hobby or activity could I spend a whole weekend on?
  • Where is my dream travel destination?
  • What is my ideal way to spend a Friday night?

Tastes evolve, so check if you’re still up to speed on one another’s favorites. Compatibility in preferences isn’t necessary for great friendship, but understanding them is.

Round 4: Deal Breakers and Relationship Must-Haves

The dating lives of besties are often intertwined. But do you really know what each other is looking for in a partner? Time to get personal:

  • What’s my biggest relationship deal breaker?
  • What trait or quality is an absolute must in someone I date?
  • What “rules” do I have about PDA or communication?
  • How long do I ideally wait before becoming “exclusive” with someone new?
  • What would I want a partner to plan for a dream date night?
  • What ultimately makes me break things off when dating someone new?
  • How many kids do I envision having someday?
  • What do I think the most important thing is in making a relationship work long-term?

Don’t assume you know each other’s relationship priorities. Perceptions of compatibility often change with emotional maturity. Have an open discussion about what friend qualities you value most in romantic partners. You may be surprised!

Toon Trivia: A cartoon character quiz featuring beloved characters from TV and film

What is the name of Mickey Mouse's pet dog?
In the cartoon series "SpongeBob SquarePants", what is the name of SpongeBob's best friend?
Which Looney Tunes character is known for saying "What's up, Doc?"?
In the Disney movie "The Lion King", what is the name of Simba's father?
Who is the main character in the cartoon series "Adventure Time"?
In the cartoon series "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", what is the name of the turtles' sensei?
Which cartoon character's original name was "Mortimer Mouse" before Walt Disney changed it to something more likable?
In the Disney movie "Frozen", what is the name of the princess with ice powers?
Who is the villain in the cartoon series "Powerpuff Girls"?
In the cartoon series "Tom and Jerry", what is the name of the cat who always tries to catch Jerry?
Toon Trivia: A cartoon character quiz featuring beloved characters from TV and film
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Round 5: Embarrassing Moments

What better way to bond than by reminiscing over each other’s most awkward, hilarious or cringeworthy moments? Here are some embarrassing memories to relive:

  • What’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve done on a date?
  • What public blunder or failure still makes me cringe when I remember it?
  • What’s the most ridiculous outfit I ever wore out in public?
  • What’s the silliest thing I ever lied about or made up stories about?
  • What childhood phase or trend do I hope stays erased from pictures forever?
  • What bodily function mishap happened at the worst possible time?
  • What secret or personal confession did I immediately regret sharing?
  • What fear or phobia seems ridiculous and irrational to most people?

Laughing over cringy memories from the past is a key bonding experience. Just remember to avoid shaming and have each other’s back if any sore subjects come up.

Bonus Round: Wild Card!

Time for your final bets in this battle of bestie knowledge. In one minute, write down the most outrageous, hilarious or surprising fact you can come up with about each other. When the timer goes off, reveal your wild card answers!

The statements can be silly exaggerations, absurd claims or completely fictional. But the more creative, boundary-pushing and tailored to your unique friendship they are, the more impressive it will be if your BFF can correctly guess you came up with it.

After this lightning round of outrageous revelations, crown the ultimate BFF knowledge champion! Even if you got stumped by some surprises along the way, reminiscing over special memories and inside jokes will remind you just how strong your bond really is. Here’s to a lifetime of friendship!